Class 4 Trip to Bovington Tank Museum

Class 4’s trip to Bovington Tank Museum.

On Wednesday 22nd September 2021, my class and I went to Bovington Tank Museum as part of our topic on World War Two. The trip to the museum, which is in Dorset, was almost two hours long and I wanted to get off as soon as possible!

When we arrived at the museum, we met the museum staff and they told us where to put our bags and coats. The staff also told us the rules for ourselves and other people. Then, they introduced the staff who would be running the workshops in the morning.

First, we had Phil and he told us about the Home Front and the different weapons they used. He also told us about the different wardens and their jobs. The best part was when we dressed up and practised marching.

Next, we had Trevor and he brought us into a 1940’s shop and told us about the rationing books and how they worked. He also taught us the different types of confusing money used back then! After the shop, we entered a 1940’s house and he taught us the different jobs a wife would do around the house like washing, ironing and cooking! After that, Trevor showed us an Anderson Shelter next to the house and, guess what, we went in! It was cold and uncomfortable.

We finally stopped for lunch and ate until we couldn’t eat a crumb! Everyone was full of chatter about what we would do next.

The exhibits were conceivably the best part of the visit – the tanks were so big! There was a German tank with a stand built around it so you could see what it was like from above. My favourite tank was Little Willie because it wasn’t that little!

The very last thing we did at the museum was to look around the gift shop. We were allowed to spend up to £5 – I bought purple putty and a purple slap band.

The journey home felt shorter than the journey to the museum. I lost my tooth near the end of the journey – I haven’t lost a tooth for ages!

I enjoyed the tank museum very much and I would definitely go again. I also learned a lot today. Everything was so different from a normal day.

Holly Atkins   Year 5


Thank you


A lovely video for all staff at Bolham Primary School from the children and parents!