TTRockstars Battle Royale!

In Class 3 and 4, we have been taking part in a Battle Royale on TTRockstars! We have been battling between our classes to see who could get the most correct answers between Friday last week, finishing on Thursday this week. The battle only took place during the school day (other than the weekend), so the children had a slot each day to take part in the battle.

It was all in aid of Comic Relief – children could buy red noses for their Rockstar. TTRockstars then donate money for each red nose bought for children’s avatars.

The battle between our classes was very intense! With lots of looking through the windows in the corridor to check up on each other.

Class 3 emerged victorious with an average of 1,556 correct answers per pupil, with Class 4 only 250 correct answers per pupil behind.

Thank you to all of the children for taking part, particularly those who took part over the weekend and well done to Class 3 for winning the Battle Royale.


World Book Day

World Book Day was celebrated by both children attending school and those at home.

Mrs Woodgate and all of the teachers took a turn to read a book online to the whole school and lessons were centered around books.

Everyone made a huge effort with their costumes and they all looked fantastic!