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Jaguar Challenge 2019

On Tuesday 11th June, Hyper-Tronix went up to Gaydon and competed against 38 other national teams. They had to wake up at 3.30am to get on the bus for 4.30am and it was a 4 hour drive up.

When they got there, they had to get their lanyards and find where they needed to set up the pit display, they turned out to be T33.

At 9.45am, they had to sit down and listen to the rules and more. At 10.15am they had their verbal presentation and did their best time and thought they were going to win this award. After the verbal presentation Hyper-Tronix had their racing at 12.05pm but while they were waiting they were doing their additional challenge. They had to make a poster about future cars and they also had to make an electrical car.

When it was their turn to race, Levinia had to race the car. She was a bit disappointed because she lost every race. After this we had our lunch and then the pit display got judged. Next, we were judged on our engineering.

At 4.30pm, it was the award ceremony and we all thought that we were going the verbal presentation but we didn’t, instead we won the Sponsorship and Marketing Award. After this we made our way back to school and came back at 8.15pm. We would recommend this event to others.

Team Hyper-Tronix

Exmoor Challenge 2019

Congratulations to this year’s Exmoor Challenge team who successfully completed the 16 mile trek across Exmoor on Saturday 4th May.


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