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Stone Age Settlements

Last week in Class 3 the children made Stone Age settlements. They made them using the same materials that people who lived in the Stone Age would have been able to use.




Well done to Holly Chappell, and Esme and Alice Parker for their amazing fund raising efforts on behalf of the school’s Green Team.

Last year, Mrs Worthington and the Green Team worked hard to develop the ways in which we recycle our school waste and through the use of different bins in classrooms around school dramatically reduced the amount of rubbish we were throwing away.

The children also identified a need for a compost bin to help recycle our break time fruit waste, but due to lockdown weren’t able to complete their action plan. This didn’t stop Esme, Alice and Holly however and during lockdown they undertook 26.2 miles and with the help of their families raised an amazing £252. The girls presented their cheque to Mrs Worthington earlier this week and we celebrated their achievements in our assembly today.

Here is a video documenting some of those 26.2 miles they undertook.



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